Tel Només trucades 644 797 258   


De Dilluns a Dissabte de 9:00 a 23:00

Diumenges de 10:00 a 14:00

De Dilluns a Dissabte de 9:00 a 23:00 / Diumenges de 10:00 a 14:00

International removals

International Removals, specialized in international transport, we treat your material as if it were our own, careful packing and packaging process, so that none of your objects suffer damage. Your objects are safe with Iron Removals. We offer all kinds of removals, transportation and transfer of goods, contact us at 644 797 258 and tell us what you need.

We have the necessary tools and machinery, which allow us to carry out the transfer of any object, however difficult it may be, for this, we have a crane, which greatly facilitates those objects with complicated cargo and difficult access.

International removals

Disseny web Barcelona

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